Saturday, July 27, 2013

a new week

A new week unfolds in front of us like the blank page of a journal. What will be written on it?
I’m not sure. And I imagine you aren’t either. None of us can know what tomorrow holds. But there are some words that we can always count on to be there every day of our lives.
Love – You are loved. Just as you are. More than you know. Nothing that happens this week can change that reality. You’re not going to be alone this week. Not for one day. Not for one moment. Not for even one second.
Grace – You are accepted. Your sins have been forgiven and you are free. Your mistakes and failures can’t separate you from God anymore. You can take risks, make bold decisions, embrace new opportunities because you can’t lose what matters most.
Hope – You have a future that’s good. This week is part of a larger plan, a greater purpose. Even when you don’t understand what he’s doing, God is working on your behalf. He sees the bigger picture of your life and he’s committed to making it beautiful.
Let’s make the most of this week, my friend.
It’s another page of our story.
And we can trust the One holding the pen.

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