1. I hope to drink more water
2. I hope to drink less Pepsi
3. I hope to get healthier
4. I hope to lose weight
5. I hope to be a better wife
6. I hope to be a better mother
3. I hope to write real letters, not just email
6. I hope to get more organized
4. I hope to take my dog to the dog park
5. I hope to work out
6. I hope to pray more and spend more time with Jesus
7. I hope to share my faith more with boldness
8. I hope to serve God more and to serve others more
9. I hope to give more
7. I hope to eat less
8. I hope to make time to have fun and just be silly
9. I hope to tell my daughters something I love about them everyday
10. I hope to think about good things more and bad things less
11. I hope to cook more
12. I hope to be a better friend
13. I hope to be a better daughter
12. I hope to dance, dance, dance
13. I hope to love people that I do not feel like loving
13. I hope to spend less time on Facebook
14. I hope to spend more time with my daughters
15. I hope to listen to music
16. I hope to have a cleaner house
16. I hope to tell my husband something that I love about him everyday
17. I hope to offer my opinion about stuff a lot less
19. I hope to become less busy with stuff that does not matter at all
20. I hope to treasure every moment. We do not know when it may be our last day. We never know what tomorrow may bring.
21.I hope to live the best life day by day that I can
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