Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Please Pray...

for Kelly Hicks. Kelly is the daughter of Taylor and Aubrey's piano teacher, Mrs. Jennifer. Kelly has been having health issues for many, many weeks now. She has been really sick. She continues to be sick. She has been out of school since September because of being in the hospital and being so sick. She will stay in the hospital for weeks and then come home only to be home for a few days and then has to go back to the hospital because of complications.

Please pray for Kelly. Pray that God will heal her body. She is having two procedures tomorrow. Please pray that these will go well without complication and it will give Kelly relief.

Please pray for Kelly's family. Mrs. Jennifer has health issues as well. The stress of caring for her daughter, the stress of watching her daughter suffer, the long weeks at the hospital - all of this is not the best for Mrs. Jennifer's health. Please pray that God will keep her healthy and strong during this time of caring for Kelly.

Thank you for your prayers!

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